
About William Costello

William (Bill) Costello has been photographing his surroundings for over 50 years. He started as a child using his parents instamatic camera. In high school he learned to use the schools 35 mm camera’s shooting pictures for the school newspaper. After graduating he entered the US Air Force where he was able to purchase his first 35 mm camera. After the service he tried his hand at several different careers but he always had his camera at hand to photograph whatever caught his eye. In the late 1990’s he had the opportunity to go to work as a videographer for a local cable news operation. He spent the next 15 years working at tv stations around the country photographing events for the news. He has photographed politicians including 2 presidents. He has been at major sporting events and interview professional athletes. He has covered major disasters from California wild fires, plane crashes, to 911. Now Bill is focusing on landscape images and portraits available to the general public.